Why Short Sales Take so Long

Why Short Sales Take so Long

The term ‘short sale’ makes one think of a sale that takes place quickly. A short sale is so named because the money paid to the lender when the house is sold and is a bit short of what is owed.

Facing Foreclosure in Atlanta – What Now?

Facing Foreclosure in Atlanta – What Now?

As long as you still have steady income, you may be able to rearrange your mortgage to reduce the payments. If you just need a reduction in the monthly amount you must pay, there may be hope for you to stay in your home without losing it to foreclosure.

Tips to Speed Through a Foreclosure in Atlanta

Tips to Speed Through a Foreclosure in Atlanta

While the majority of people in foreclosure find themselves interested in buying more time, once in a while there is someone who might wish to have their foreclosure over with sooner than later. Here are some tips to help speed through a Foreclosure in Atlanta

Steps to Save Your House from Foreclosure

Steps to Save Your House from Foreclosure

Foreclosure doesn’t have to happen to you if you are able to work with your lender to remedy the situation. If that is not an option, here are a few steps you can take to help save your house from foreclosure.

Atlanta Foreclosure Facts to Remember

Atlanta Foreclosure Facts to Remember

Facing foreclosure in Atlanta? You have rights that must be adhered to by the lenders and you may have options that can help you. Here are some of the basic facts about avoiding and handling foreclosures.