Home foreclosures can happen when you least expect. Some issues include divorce, credit card debt, medical expenses, and unemployment. You should contact us when facing foreclosure, as we can buy your house and pay you cash, and/or offer other possible solutions to prevent foreclosure.
Financial issues can be depressing, but you should strike a deal with your lender to stop foreclosure or opt for legal methods such as filing for bankruptcy or a lawsuit in case of wrongful foreclosure. These foreclosure mitigation tips might help stop the process.
Even though the real estate housing market is thriving, high unemployment due to the covid pandemic means millions of Americans are struggling to make mortgage payments.
The term ‘short sale’ makes one think of a sale that takes place quickly. A short sale is so named because the money paid to the lender when the house is sold and is a bit short of what is owed.
As long as you still have steady income, you may be able to rearrange your mortgage to reduce the payments. If you just need a reduction in the monthly amount you must pay, there may be hope for you to stay in your home without losing it to foreclosure.
While the majority of people in foreclosure find themselves interested in buying more time, once in a while there is someone who might wish to have their foreclosure over with sooner than later. Here are some tips to help speed through a Foreclosure in Atlanta